Thursday, February 21, 2013

Daytona Beach Pier

The past two years we stayed near Daytona beach.  We would go to the pier are last night there.  It was really fun they have rides, games, stores, and places to eat.  We always make sure to go on the ferris wheel.  It is really pretty on the ferris wheel because you get to see alot of the ocean.  I also love all of the shops there too, because I love shopping!!!!!

Steak n Shake

Steak n Shake is a great food place in Florida.  It is kind of like a Tom Wahls here or a Bill Grays.  We dont get to eat there every year because their is not always one near by, but it is great when we go there.  They make amazing milkshakes for you to have with your drinks.  I remember the first time I went there I was around six or seven and we went there to eat after shopping at the mall.  Amazing food!!!!

Flea Markets

Flea markets are a intresting place to visit.  It is basically a bunch of cool shops all outside in Florida.  There are pet shops, grocerys, clothes, toys.  It is outside though so it gets very hot thats the only bad thing about flea markets.  We go to one every year most of the time we go to the Daytona flea market.

Panama City

Florida is such a pretty place with many places to visit.  I have been to many places like daytona beach, panama city, clear water, Amelia Island, and many more.  one of my favorite place was Panama City.  We went there when I was six.  There was alot to do there like sand castle contests, their was even a place to bungee jump down the road from our condo.  It was a very busy and beautiful place.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My collection from Florida!

There are many different kinds of seas shells.  Since I was little I have always collected sea shells that I found on the beaches in Florida.  I have over two hundred different sea shells from the past eighteen years.  I also have some starfish and sharks teeth that I found along with the shells.  When I was younger I would make bracelets out of some of the shells. 

Shopping in Florida

While in Florida we spend alot of time shopping.  It is all one of our favorite things to do in Florida.  There are many places to shop that are not in New York.  My favorite stores to visit in Florida are souviener shops.  These shops are typically not far from the condo we stay at.  I love shopping there because I can get stuff like clothes and jewlery that have something to do with Florida and the beach.  I buy and save these things so that I will always have something to remember each trip.


One of the most fun places we have visited in Florida is SeaWorld!  I have been there three times. SeaWorld is basically a huge aquarium with rollercoasters and restaurants.  I went on my first roller coaster ride ever at SeaWorld when I was ten.  It was called the Kraken which is a ride based off of a mythical sea monster.  Recently a water park was created for sea world.  I want to go there next.